When Life Stops

A podcast by two women, two mothers, two grievers: Detola & Stella. They discuss all things loss and grief, engage guest speakers who have experienced loss and share practical tips to help you find new meaning to life after loss.


Join us as we dive into the topic of loss and grief. We hope you are encouraged and find healing so you can move forward with new meaning after your loss.

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(Season 1 & Ongoing Season 2)

About When Life Stops

Are you going through loss whether from the death of a loved one, divorce, job, or any other emotional heart break. Life has stopped for you and you wonder if you can ever recover and move forward. Or are you a friend or family to someone who has loved and lost? Then join us on When Life stops, a podcast where we help you find new meaning after loss.

We are Detola and Stella, two mothers, two grievers. We have experienced minor and major losses. We have learnt and unlearned so much on the journey and we want to share with you what has helped us on the journey..

 We bring you valuable educational content ranging from stories to topics around grief and how loss impacts us. 



Detola Amure

Detola Amure


Stella Agwor

Stella Agwor


When Life stops

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